% Model description:
% On a rectangular space, objects move parallel to the length of the
% space. The object's speed depends upon how many units of the objects
% share the same space; this may be thought of as a density dependent
% velocity. Object units may not diverge from others once they occupy the
% same space, and therefore result in the creation of larger objects.
% Geometric spacing and packing is not taken into account in the first
% instance of this model. However, limitations on the number of objects
% occupying a space and the distribution of those excess object units may
% provide a three-dimensional conceptualization of a "super" object drift.
% -Object creation: Objects will be randomly generated based on a
% proportion of the size of the space and/or the number of units in play.
% Once created, the objects will move and may form larger objects.
% Generation of larger objects may be restricted in some instances of this
% model, resulting in "packing" limitations.
% -Velocity determination: There will be a limiting velocity that will
% dictate the lowest rate of movement. The speed will increase for those
% objects with less units.
% -Accumulation restrictions: Once a maximum accumulation of an object in
% a single space is reached, some number of objects in that space may be
% removed.
% -Geometric conception: Distribution of the units may be to place excess
% units coming into a space into an adjacent space which has the least
% number of units. This may be done by searching first the immediate sides
% of the filled space, then the space directly following the filled space.
% Radiating outward in this manner if all immediate spaces are filled may
% result in a wall or object front.
% -Predictions: In the case of no geometric consideration, there should be
% pockets of great accumulation of the digital object units. Given a long
% enough space in which to drift, these pockets should grow very large and
% therefore move at or near the minimal speed allowed. A randomly
% distributed set of these pockets will exist within the space since they
% cannot merge with each other upon reaching the minimal speed. A complete
% occupation of the space may be possible, but very unlikely.
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