1. Explain the Schodinger's cat paradox.
2. Consider the Stern-Gerlach (SG) experiment. If you direct a beam of ions through one SG apparatus, and then place another SG apparatus oriented the same as the first in the path of one of the first split beams, then place a screen on just beyond the second SG apparatus, how will the ions be distributed on the screen? Follow-up: how many ions should hit the screen given a beam containing 1000 ions.
3. A sailor drops a ball from the top of the mast on a sailing ship. Where will the ball land?
4. Consider a rod of uniform mass density resting balanced on a cylinder when a puff of wind tilts the rod. At what angle will the rod slide off of the cylinder? Note: there is static friction between the rod and cylinder. Follow-up: is the rod stable if it tilts by small angles compared with the angle required to slide off? Follow-up: will the rod experience harmonic motion at the small tilt angles?
5. What makes the dynamics of neurons nonlinear?
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